(The main part starts here.)

List of Research Reports (No.161~No.180)

No.171 Actual Condition Survey on Needs and Other Issues of Persons with Disabilities Concerning Teleworking(April 2023)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/533.64KB)
Telework (work from home) using ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has been pointed out for its usefulness in the employment of persons with disabilities. This research study clarified the needs of persons with disabilities with regard to telework through a questionnaire survey that included those who are not working or seeking employment, as well as interviews with persons with disabilities who have experienced telework and human resource staff and others at companies where employees with disabilities telework, to understand the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in telework and how to deal with them from various perspectives. As a result, it became clear that persons with disabilities have certain needs for telework, and that employers and persons with disabilities are making various efforts and accommodations with respect to communication methods and labor management in implementing telework.
No.170 Research on the Working Life Cycle of People with Disabilities (The Seventh Research Period) -The Seventh Survey on the Working Life on Young People (2020) and Middle Aged and Older People (2021) with disabilities-(April 2023)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/503.45KB)
The purpose of this research study was to understand the current status and issues of the Working Life cycle of people with disabilities and to obtain basic data for the development of future measures to improve employment management in companies and to achieve smooth employment for persons with disabilities. This report presents the results of the seventh period of research activities, among the 16 years of continuous research from the first to the eighth period.
As a result, "opportunities to confirm and discuss obstacles in the workplace," which is the first initiative in providing reasonable accommodation, has steadily increased since the provision of reasonable accommodation became mandatory. A trial analysis based on the characteristics of the panel data identified differences in the status of retirement from occupational life among workers with disabilities, depending on the type of disability. We will continue to extensively examine what can be demonstrated through this research study.
No.169 Research on Trends in Vocational Rehabilitation Systems and Services in Other Countries(April 2023)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/356.47KB)
In the past, vocational rehabilitation in other countries has often been difficult to apply as a reference for Japan due to significant historical and cultural differences. The purpose of this research was to clarify trends in advanced vocational rehabilitation in other countries that can be used as a reference for Japan by focusing on comprehensive initiatives to resolve new issues requested by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We collected and analyzed relevant information from the U.S., Germany, France, the U.K., and other countries to verify the comprehensive development of vocational rehabilitation in the perception of disability, work, and support. Trends that could be used as a reference in Japan included the understanding of discrimination and support needs faced by persons with disabilities and effective support, specialized support for corporate management and workplace creation where everyone can play an active role, and comprehensive rehabilitation through cooperation between related fields that are integrated with disability prevention.
No.168 Research on Assessment of Work Difficulties (Vocational Readiness and Work Difficulties) -Development of the Assessment Sheets for Work Support-(April 2023)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/415.87KB)
The purpose of this research study was to develop an evaluation tool for assessing work difficulties (vocational readiness and work difficulties) that would be useful in connecting persons with disabilities to appropriate places of employment and necessary support services in the field such as consultation support prior to work transition (assuming situations where persons with disabilities face employment difficulties after transitioning to employment and consider necessary support), based on a survey of the needs for using the tool.
The development process involved various activities, including a needs assessment survey to understand the requirements for utilizing the tool, a study conducted by an expert group established within the Research Committee,questionnaire surveys targeting employment support providers and companies employing individuals with disabilities, and a trial evaluation of the assessment tool's prototype version at employment support providers.
As a result of these efforts, the "Assessment Sheets for Work Support" and the accompanying "Guide to utilizing the Assessment Sheets for Work Support" were successfully completed."
No.167 Research on the Current Status and Issues of Human Resource Development and Accumulation of Support Expertise, etc. in Employment Support Providers(April 2023)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/418.44KB)
The purpose of this research study was to understand the actual situation of human resource development at employment support providers, and to clarify the contents that employment support staff should share (effective support expertise) and the key points of human resource development for work support staff, by conducting (1) actual conditions survey of a total of 3,000 employment support providers, (2) public solicitation of effective support expertise, and collection and compilation of opinions on the content of such expertise using the Delphi method.
The results showed that (1) knowledge, experience, and skills of employment support providers varied widely,(2) effective support expertise for work support means having overall knowledge and experience of the work support process, providing comprehensive and wide-ranging support from pre-employment to post-placement on going follow-up in cooperation with organizations in various fields, and having the skills, etc. to provide up-todate support that meets the needs of persons with disabilities and companies, and (3) organizations that implement organizational initiatives for human resource development, including the verbalization and sharing of expertise,are more likely to have sufficient effective support expertise as described in (2) above.
No.166 Research on the Current Status and Issues of Work Support for Students with Developmental Disabilities through Cooperation between Universities and Employment Support Providers(April 2023)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/548.73KB)
This research study was conducted to understand the actual situation and examine future issues concerning work support for students with developmental disabilities through cooperation between universities, junior colleges, and technical colleges (hereafter referred to as "universities, etc.") and providers, and examined the current situation and issues regarding work support for students with developmental disabilities.
The results showed that many universities,etc. have students with a diagnosis of developmental disabilities, and nearly half of the students with developmental disabilities (without a diagnosis) are also enrolled, suggesting that students with developmental disabilities receive work support regardless of whether or not they have a diagnosis or need for study support. Students with developmental disabilities are highly individualized and show an extremely diverse picture of their condition, making it an important issue for universities,etc. to provide effective support for each student according to his or her individual condition.
Factors hindering cooperation between universities,etc. and employment support providers include the fact that few employment support providers target students from universities,etc. and the lack of information on employment support providers. To further expand the cooperative relationship, universities,etc. are expected to deepen their understanding of work support by providing information on employment support providers for students with developmental disabilities, and employment support providers are expected to expand the scope of their support services to include students with developmental disabilities.
No.165 Survey on part-time employment with less than 20 hours per week for persons with disabilities(April 2022)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/567.86KB)
The purpose of this research was to grasp needs and actual conditions of persons with disabilities who work or wish to work with less than 20 scheduled working hours per week and companies that are employed or are considering employing, and examine actual working conditions of less than 20 scheduled working hours per week and possibility of employment with less than 20 scheduled working hours per week from ingenuity and challenges at support sites .
As a result, it was found that these working styles were beneficial to both employers and employed persons with disability by cases that there were some needs of persons with disabilities for employment with less than 20 scheduled working hours per week and the employment of persons with disabilities with less than 20 scheduled working hours per week were supported by employer’s ingenuity and consideration to make the most abilities of persons with disabilities in workplaces.
No.164 A study on effective utilization of vocational rehabilitation tools for diversifying disabilities(April 2022)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/451.98KB)
The propose of this research is to organize challenges for promotion of effective utilization of “total package for promoting workplace adoption (hereinafter referred to as “TP”) ” in “comprehensive vocational rehabilitation services aimed to support the independent working life while receiving necessary supports and utilizing self-management skills” and to examine measures for effective utilizing of “TP”. As a result of examination, we conducted as “TP” utilization promotion measures, (1) to develop “Propagating TP programs (trainings)” targeted “supporters can take advantage of theoretical knowledge of "TP" in practice”, (2) to create practical case collections targeted for “motivating supporters to introduce “TP” tools”, (3) to create learning materials that enable to learn about “TP” by referring for necessary information in compliance with the knowledge condition of learners and their role and function at affiliations . In the future, it will be expected that results of this research (1) through (3) are organically combined, “TP” utilization is promoted by spreading of knowledge and technique about “TP” among various employment support organizations, and it leads to ensure and increase the quality of employment support services.
No.163 Survey on grasping methods for challenges faced by employers and proposal-based employer support methods regarding employment of persons with disabilities and continued employment(April 2022)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/367.31KB)
The purpose of this research was to conduct tests for employer supports by using training programs created in accordance with needs and challenges of each employer with developed tools for grasping the challenges in employment of persons with disabilities based on the circumstance of employer support services at Local Vocational Centers for persons with disabilities.

One of the major deliverables that we made is "Support tool for Employment of Persons with Disabilities" and other tools that employers using while consulting with vocational counselors for persons with disabilities and other support personnel at the Local Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities. In addition, we conducted a trial of proposal -based employer support using a training program to help employers make decisions on employment of persons with disabilities and to develop human resources to su pport employment of persons with disabilities in the company, and verified the effectiveness of the program.
No.162 A study on disability-understanding of persons with higher brain dysfunction and vocational rehabilitation supports -Comprehensive assessments of and supports for self-understanding-(April 2022)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/533.05KB)
The purpose of this research was to clarify a desirable way of the self-understanding in persons with higher brain dysfunction and its vocational rehabilitation support s. At first, Focus Group Interview (1st) of vocational counselors for persons with disabilities and literature research were conducted to organize comprehensive ideas of self-understanding, actual support situation, and effective supports. Then, Focus Group Interview (2nd) of vocational counselors for persons with disabilities was conducted on the support hypothesis, which was then revised according to its results. In conclusion, we pointed out an importance of assessments considering self -knowledge of traits and its effects, various aspects of self-understanding including self-monitoring, and the effects of biological, psychological and social environmental factors. Also pointed out were an importance of building rapport and supports premising achievement of support recipient’s goal, and necessity of various support options toward achievement of support purposes other than solely focusing on developing self-understanding.
No.161 Survey on employment of part-time workers with mental disabilities~ Focusing on the workers to whom special measures to the method of calculating the employment rate apply ~(April 2022)
Japanese LinkSummary(PDF/358.14KB)
This survey was conducted in order to c ontribute to the planning of measures after the end of the "special measures related to the calculation method for part -time workers with mental disabilities" (hereinafter referred to as "special measures") , a provisional measures until March, 2023. In the survey, we were understood (1) the status of companiesemploying persons with mental disabilities and the application of special measures to those companies (secondary analysis for report on the status of employment of persons with disabilities), (2) perceptions and opinions regarding employment of persons with mental disabilities of the offices to which are applied special measures (based on questionnaire and interview surveys), and (3) the employment status and working style of persons with mental disabilities at office to which special measures are applied (based on questionnaire, interview, and panel surveys).
As a result, it was shown that the companies applied special measures had a higher probability of achieving the employment rate than the other companies. Among the offices applied special measures,those that have considered using “special measures” in employment managing for persons with mental disabilities, compared to offices that did not do so, are a tendency to have the impression in regard to the special measures "applicable" in terms of the ease of settling into the workplace for persons with mental disabilities and implementing various considerations. Furthermore, in both the survey of offices and persons with mental disabilities, it was mentioned that there was a certain number of persons with mental disabilities who have difficulty or unwillingness to shift to scheduled weekly working hours for 30 hours or more.